Here"s a doodle I just mega doodled. Didn't plan to draw the dog at all. I just swish some marker and then built it from there.
Not as abstract as usual but it was fun and thats what counts. 2 weeks until operation Yipppeeee.
Thabks for looking. I have prints now if anyones interested.
Thanks for looking please do comment it makes it all worthwhile.
_ frank Allen 12.07 gmt. Sunday 26th Nov on mobile
Really busy so cant post my doodle until Tonight so I'll post something from my old experimental Webcomic It was an animated Gif I'll try to find the original to post.
Or check out yesterday's Doodle or the Days Before in the Meantime by clicking the Ink Drawing
I guess it's my turn to guest on here. I was struggling for a while to think of anything to post since I don't draw well and Frank's is mainly an art blog, so I finally realised the best thing for me to do was write, about Frank.
Firstly I met Frank through a mutual friend, where he introduced me to his sister who is now my lovely wife, and I've considered him one of my closest friends since. It's what I consider to be true friendship, we don't see eye to eye on everything and sometimes we annoy each other but it doesn't even matter.
Frank is quiet, not that he is shy as he has a tendency to know exactly the wrong although funny thing to say in certain situations, (To the geeky checkout guy handing Frank his change, "Seeya loser!") neither that he is observing everything intently, Due to his ASD Frank is mostly on another level something which might be apparent from his artwork so far.
All in all Franks a good friend who has introduced me to endless comic books films and entire genres of music I might have else ignored.
The video below is just an example. I remember the words Frank used when he handed me this CD "I don't know why I haven't already made you listen to this, It's way overdue man"
In the book shop today the Manager said to me 'We were looking through the blog, Man you really like the fish and Eyeballs'' LOL I supose its a circles and Angles thing. Drawn at Mels as usual, the House of the Doodle accompanied by not 70's rock but really cool Arabian Beats.
The Music behind the Doodle.
Drawn to Arabesque Zoudge. The track is Jah Wobble's Invaders of the Heart - Yalili Ya Ain. Im looking for a copy of this CD right now.
This track and whole CD is so cool. Arab Sounds mixed with cool beats I think no one could dislike this.
Enjoy and please let me know what you think, or your thoughts on how I could Improve the blog would be most appreciated and as always all art for sale just contact me.
Was in the process of scanning in todays A2 sized doodle butAas that takes a while I'll post something else Ive been working on first.
To many ways to go on the computer when your attached to the net, It can be so hard to focus On one topic to post. Just scanning into todays post listening to the Bombay Bicycle clubs album. The really chilled out one not the rocking electric one working on a gallery image.
Could Imagine this post carrying on for a few days and never getting posted at this rate, So my uncle shows up, he found a top og the Range Giant Mountain Bike Thrown in a field, so it was off to the police station with him. In 31 Days
So I asked in Biggleswade's new bookshop if they want to display my ART. Yes they say. So Hooray Im going Public.
- Thanks for Looking Frank Allen
The Music
& Remember If anyone wants to buy any ART please message me, youd be the first Customer I've ever had. ;)
Its a Awesome Book. Currently my Toliet Book XD Always the best place to read I think its because you know John Peels voice so well when your into truly different music so much. He speaks to you on a totally human level without any kind of Ego it seems. He was just the man who brought the music to the airwaves, he thought. I think he was much more Read It.
2nd Good Distraction
Ive mentioned it in Passing, but I have a De-generative Eye Condition called RP. In short in 10 years I will be Legally Blind if Im lucky Ive got a few more years on top of that.
How is this a Positive Distraction? you say. Well its not, but joining a select group of people on facebook who can talk openly about how they cope with this has helped me a lot. The group is theVisually Impaired/Blind Men's GroupIf your guy like mewho is losing his sight they can be a real help. A Big thanks to tem for turning my gloom around yesterday.
If you can see the humor in tradegy you may just be allrght :)
My third Day of posting a daily Doodle. The bit at the front was purely abstract then the rest was intentional. 'Way out, in the water, See in swimming'
Im off to Cambridge again, I'll try add some illumination later.
Probably one of my Favorites to sketch so far, It screams Rock and Roll. Although It came from a stressed environment, the football was on and I was hid away in My sisters farmhouse Kitchen. I love farmhouse kitchen Tables the chance of me ever having such a luxury slim to nil but enjoying someone else's to draw on, Priceless.
This one, although quite easily drawn in Just about 2 Hours in my sisters Kitchen, was a Nightmare. Although It is just a single A2 Image, I had to scan it in 6 Sections on 2 different a4 Scanners just to get something I could match up. If it had been colour it would have been completely Impossible. I may have to sell some just to be able to afford a scanner to scan them in.
There was no music on but if there was I'd imagine it'd be cool but melencholy, so I'll stick on some Bon Iver
Thanks for looking If anyone is interested in buying anything just let me know.
Heres the Doodle transfered to the computer at last.
I saw some quite obvious Images emerge from these lines but when I showed them to Mel he really couldn't see them at all. I wonder if any one picks out the two futuristic figures for what they are. Have fun and see what you see, then let me know.
Made me laugh how drugged up this looks, I take no recreational drugs but I could see how it could appear that way with this one.
Its taken me hours to scan this A2 abstract doodle onto a A4 scanner, It took me only an hour to draw typical.
Drawing was round Mels listening to Mahavishnu Orchestra's 'Birds of Fire' on original Vinyl. Mel used to run a record shop before his Life fell apart and has shown me some wonders from the early 70's. When Jazz Rock Fusion had a dirty sound and it was all going on in the Jam.
This Song is Mahavishnu Orchestra's Miles Beyond from the Album Birds of Fire. Really playing with time signatures in a grand way.
Was really pleased with this Doodle, Its loosely based on a doodle I did stood in a corner at a live gig.
The gig was in Luton and it was called Deconstruction Festival. Experimental band, after experimental band, with wavs and waves of the Improvised beautiful Noise. So I found a perch on a Armchair and drew the whole 8 hours with breaks of course. My lines where controlled by the flow of the music and this is what I created to the Band 'Coldstream' found here on Myspace
I think its down to the Aspergers, I go into a state of hyper focus which can go on for hours. Beep and Hiss akimbo the music, music for people who like there music to go out there, way out there.
I enjoyed the whole day immensely, Lost in the Doodle until the early Hours of the Morning with no worries or Cares, I think it was when I truly discovered how Calming the Doodle could be.
Thanks for Looking,
Tell me about what you like to do art to, and what , music makes your creative juices go wild?
The first ever daily Doodle cleaned up a bit. Contact meif you would like a print of it, or would like to buy the Original. My opertion is in three weeks now and Im still off work at the nursery.
The Music Behind The Doodle
This first Doodle from last week and the blogs birth was also partially inspired by this Amazing album from 1972 by the Groundhogs called 'Split'. This is at the very heights of 70's fusion and it is Awesome to behold.
If I was in a band like this I'd think I had died and woken up in Paradise.
It may just be that I'm really really tired, but Ive never like this A2 sized marker pen doodle from start to finish. It began on Wednesday night at Mels as usual but I was in a overtired state hiding from emotional extended family so not a good start all ready. I was blindly adding Layer upon Layer as the music went on and I got tireder and tireder until finally I called it quits. One of the rare occasions where I didn't melt into
the doodle.
So it started off a abandoned birth, the mother stoned for conceiving it and then grew by its own strength despite any will left on my part into an unholy monster, how weird is that one?
The Music
Was listening to a 60's experimental outfit led by Sun Ra, even weirder than the picture even by oddly relaxing.
Wow I just don’t know what to say about this. I was just sitting drawing lines and next thing I know Ive got a monster of a strong Image. I felt quite uncomfortable with the whole image so I kept on working over the top of It. I’ll post the results in afew hours when I can scan the colorful Beast. Let me know what it brings up with you?
This is a brave one for me Because a lot of people do not know much about Autism or how much or little you can be on the Spectrum, So it will come as a surprise to many that I myself was Diagnosed with A-Typical Autism. Sometimes people respond ok sometimes people freeze and see you as crazy because you seem normal to them you don't fit there idea of Autism. I think the ship is me?
Did this one on the Phone. This really speaks Autism in both Positive and Negative ways To me, I do not know about you guys? but I see a creative explosion that dose not fit in with what most of the world would do with the materials and sometimes its tough when you need to fit in.
Really Jolly Doodle for the start of this week, Its got a mix of Playful and commotion about It, sounds like my last weekend. Markers in an A2 Sketch Pad.
Cant remember, or don't know what I was listening to with Mel when I drew This. So I'll just post a good song with It. I've been in a bit of a Attention Deficit hyper focused, exhausted state this weekend, so pleased Ive kept posting.
Song is really Cool by Frank Black sort of match's how im feeling right now lol
Did some really trippy ones over the weekend brought on by Exhaustion.
Its Day Four of the blog and Ive made an Advert to spreed the new.
Having Attention Deficit disorder It can be really hard to stick a project through, thats why this blog is a great Idea, Drawing is something Ive do anyway so posting it up here and eventually maybe selling some pieces can only me help to keep this one going. So I am optimistic, you have to do what you Love right.
Done to Mount Eeerie formerly the microphones. Awesome experimental madness. Just revel in those drums.
- Thanks for looking, Todays Blog is coming this afternoon Enjoy.
This was done whilst listening to probably The Mahavishnu Orchestra's album Birds of Fire on vinyl from 1973. Its John McLaughlin's the best guitarist in the world on the Fusion scene really experimental grand stuff. Kicks the Mars Volta's butt for originality every time.
It was my first ever large doodle before Ive always worked on corners of stuff. It was done last Friday night but it can be Todays second Doodle, less spooky.
So Heres My first Daily Doodle. From the 10-11-2011 it seem like a good positive thing to do to post one a day, it might led up to me doing other things. Im a partially sighted artist with RP a degeneration eye condition, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder. Inattentive Type) and ASD. Im a musician but firstly I am a artist.
It took roughly 30 to 45 minutes give or take. As usual I turn off my brain and went with the flow. I was really pleased with this. Created this at Mels with Weather Report a 70's Jazz Rock fusion Vinyl on.
I am going to try to post one daily. But I cant really get the others scanned from A2 so they might be photos. People have suggested selling the art so let me know what you think
- Thanks for looking Frank UK