I guess it's my turn to guest on here. I was struggling for a while to think of anything to post since I don't draw well and Frank's is mainly an art blog, so I finally realised the best thing for me to do was write, about Frank.
Firstly I met Frank through a mutual friend, where he introduced me to his sister who is now my lovely wife, and I've considered him one of my closest friends since. It's what I consider to be true friendship, we don't see eye to eye on everything and sometimes we annoy each other but it doesn't even matter.
Frank is quiet, not that he is shy as he has a tendency to know exactly the wrong although funny thing to say in certain situations, (To the geeky checkout guy handing Frank his change, "Seeya loser!") neither that he is observing everything intently, Due to his ASD Frank is mostly on another level something which might be apparent from his artwork so far.
All in all Franks a good friend who has introduced me to endless comic books films and entire genres of music I might have else ignored.
The video below is just an example. I remember the words Frank used when he handed me this CD "I don't know why I haven't already made you listen to this, It's way overdue man"
Awesome bro, Lots of Love xxxxxx