
Friday, 20 September 2013

A Night of Fine Art at the Artworks Galleria of Fine Arts In Fort Wayne Indiana

This is the Gallery where I will be displaying in January. From January you will be able to buy my pieces from here but the pieces there now are by, Santa Brink, Terry Ratliff, Chad Davis, Steve Shelby and a Few Others. Steve Shelby's Sculptures where my Favorites...

Follow my Progress as an Artist at or connect to me on facebook

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

New Art - Do Hipsters Dream of Electronic Sheep II

Do Hipsters Dream of Electronic Sheep II by Frank Louis Allen

This Piece is Heavily star wars influenced subconsciously despite the Philip K dick inspired name.
Another Piece in the Hipster Wars Trilogy the original was was featured on the Tumblr Radar and shared over 10.000 times. Again I will share both versions so you can see which you like better.The Name Hipsters just kept appearing all over Tumblr so I added some into my Art :)

Here is the original in my facebook album. I mainly use facebook apart from blogging so always feel free to make friends with me on there aswell,

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at and my Blog at

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Frank and Kara's Fort Wayne Life Episode 1

Just a video log of Today with some really cool music as a soundtrack and a few birdies.

My Voice Sound improves after the first few seconds :)

Monday, 2 September 2013

Please Take some Time to look a little more deeply into this one....

Lucys Dark Underbelly II by Frank Louis Allen

This is a reworking of an older piece from a trilogy of Drawings I drew last year. I took the time to break this up into separate works within a work. Taking much more time to concentrate on the individual elements. I'm really pleased with the results I feel it is quite an accomplished piece.

It is from a series of three pieces called the Hipster Wars Trilogy, one of which was featured on the Tumblr Radar. I will share both versions so you can see which you lie better.

Here is the original


Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at and my Blog at

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

A Productive Period of Pain - New Art and Vlogs

Dark Skull by Frank Louis Allen

This ones been sitting around for 2 weeks now. I was really pleased with how this turning turned out. Coming up soon pictures of Frank the 'Human Pin Cushion' from my back treatment.

Also Pictured here in my Video Log on Youtube.


Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at

Monday, 26 August 2013

Vlog Death of a Hipster starring Frank and Hank

I was feeling pretty food when I recorded this but unfortunately the pain has returned with a vengeance. I will carry on and try to do some art. At the least it will distract me from the pain, hopefully it doesn't make it worse.

Another Monday unfortunately another fight against pain....

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Quick Update - Futher down the Art Time Continuum....

”Deaths Vs the Time Space Continuum or Something Like that”…. by Frank Louis Allen

This style kind of reminds me of the surrealist photo montages they would show you in Art history taken into a place Sci-Fi.

 Quick morning post before I start the day off. I've started experimenting with Photoshop textures instead of painting as I'm much more comfortable and at home with this. I seem to be able to pull some funky colors out of the bag that way. At least until I can learn to paint myself. It seems to go well with my drawings.

I will have to take on a far bigger piece next time in this fasshion, That might take days but will probabally be worth it....

- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sunday - New Piece ''Deaths Vs the Time Space Continuim or Something Like that''....

Finished Drawing a piece called 'Deathly Optimism through the Ages' or 'Death in Space time', or maybe 'From Space to Death and back again' I don't know you choose....

I've been fiddling with this one on Photoshop but the original drawing is just markers as usual.

The two characters that look like the Grim Reapers are just random, they appear in many forms in a lot of my drawing without being planned there. They are usually just two little stick people both pointing at something far off intangible. Enjoy feel free to give me your interpretations.

My back pain has subsiding for now, hooray for strecthy back people.....

- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Saturday Post - Automatic Drawing & Our Funky Form of Normality

 Automatic Drawing done whilst listening to 'The XX' by Frank Louis Allen (me)

So I'm reliably informed what I draw is like Automatic Drawing. Which is basically true wikipedia list automatic writing as...
"Automatic writing or psychography is writing which the writer claims to be produced from a subconscious, and/or external and/or spiritual source without conscious awareness of the content.[1]'' 
That is exactly what I do, just with drawing so I googled it, as usual failed to find similar examples which pleases me. I'm pleased and very fortunate to be Unique :D.

Always pleased to know if somebody else does this aswell and check out there work. I know of a few on facebook already.

The Pain is finally Subsideing a little and hopefully soon here things will return to our funky form of normality.

- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Second Drawing for Today ''Pain Man his got a Nerve!''

Second drawing done...
Its Called 'Pain Man his got a Nerve!' by Frank Louis Allen.

Getting really fed up of being sstuck in this bed will try some stretching again.

First Pain Drawing of the Day

In a bit of a pickle with the pain today so I'm drawing from the bed. 

This is my First drawing of the Day its called Awkward Girl by me  Frank Louis Allen

Art Vs Pain

 (above) Pain by Frank Louis Allen

Pain scores 10 the last few days Art has Scored 0...

My Crushed nerve is crushing my ability to stand up or sit down to draw again. Back pain seems pure doom to art, but its why I started art 2 years ago, so it will win again its not controllable in us, it'll leak out someplace....
There will be a re-balancing of the Force, I'll probably have to try drawing small on the bed or some such or on the floor like I used to have to do 

It hasn't been all bad, black adder helped, The Tick live action series on youtube also, Lots of encouragement from friends old and new.......
- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at


Sunday, 11 August 2013

The Artist's Workspace - Frank Louis Allens First Video Log

Here it is My First Video Log Welcome to to Basements Studio Corner.

I might start doing some in depth Analysis of my Art and way of working. I draw without plan and I think this is negatively impacting me trying to paint, but after much reasoning this out I've realized my art is really good and original without all the painting. It is something I can develop as a side line or just a hobby whilst I continue making my Art the way that really works for me.....

Yes I do need to Tidy up In a lot of pain right now from my discs I had a serious back injury 2 Years ago and now I'm unable to sit for any period of time. occasionally it gets really bad and even hurts when I walk so there's no winning in that situation.....

- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at

n 08/11/2013

Thursday, 8 August 2013

My Life as a Arist the non-neurotypical Art Blog

After much time away in the shallow land of  Tumblr where I amassed  a small army of 4000 mindless Silent Hipster Tumblites I  have returned to a more communicative personal blog format over here on Blogger :)

I Shall keep it relaxed, Sharing my Art when I have it which is very often, and discussing my  life as an artist now living in the States.....

This Picture is a reworking of my first foray into using paints. Its called The Canvas of Chaos Mark II and its by me Frank Louis Allen.. All my work is withoout intention usually so its a bit of a differe t thing for me to rework a piece.

As I have PDD-NOS autism along with the symptoms of ADD I cant always direct my Art. In face I can hardly ever do so. I felt really relaxed with this piece and hope to be able to get some paints to work on it tomorrow.

I look forward to being on a blogging platform again with a more communicative format and sharing my Art with you guys.

- Frank Louis Allen

Feel free to also connect with me on facebook and I will continue to supply my little tumbles with my Art at